<?php /* Jappix - An open social platform This is the Jappix Manager PHP/HTML code ------------------------------------------------- License: AGPL Author: Vanaryon Last revision: 26/08/11 */ // Someone is trying to hack us? if(!defined('JAPPIX_BASE')) exit; // Get the manager functions require_once(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/functions-manager.php'); // Session manager $id = 0; $login_fired = false; $logout_fired = false; $form_parent = 'manager'; $user_password = ''; $user_remember = ''; $user = ''; $password = ''; $user_meta = T_("unknown"); $user_name = ''; $add_button = false; $remove_button = false; $save_button = false; $check_updates = false; // Start the session session_start(); // Force the updates check? if(isset($_GET['p']) && ($_GET['p'] == 'check')) $check_updates = true; // Login form is sent if(isset($_POST['login'])) { // Form sent pointer $login_fired = true; // Extract the user name if(isset($_POST['admin_name']) && !empty($_POST['admin_name'])) $user = trim($_POST['admin_name']); if($user && (isset($_POST['admin_password']) && !empty($_POST['admin_password']))) { // Get the password values $password = genStrongHash(trim($_POST['admin_password'])); // Write the session $_SESSION['jappix_user'] = $user; $_SESSION['jappix_password'] = $password; } } // Session is set else if((isset($_SESSION['jappix_user']) && !empty($_SESSION['jappix_user'])) && (isset($_SESSION['jappix_password']) && !empty($_SESSION['jappix_password']))) { // Form sent pointer $login_fired = true; // Get the session values $user = $_SESSION['jappix_user']; $password = $_SESSION['jappix_password']; } // Validate the current session if($login_fired && isAdmin($user, $password)) $id = 1; // Any special page requested (and authorized)? if(($id != 0) && isset($_GET['a']) && !empty($_GET['a'])) { // Extract the page name $page_requested = $_GET['a']; switch($page_requested) { // Logout request case 'logout': // Remove the session unset($_SESSION['jappix_user']); unset($_SESSION['jappix_password']); // Set a logout marker $logout_fired = true; // Page ID $id = 0; break; // Configuration request case 'configuration': // Allowed buttons $save_button = true; // Page ID $id = 2; break; // Hosts request case 'hosts': // Allowed buttons $save_button = true; // Page ID $id = 3; break; // Storage request case 'storage': // Allowed buttons $remove_button = true; // Page ID $id = 4; break; // Design request case 'design': // Allowed buttons $save_button = true; $remove_button = true; // Page ID $id = 5; break; // Users request case 'users': // Allowed buttons $add_button = true; $remove_button = true; // Page ID $id = 6; break; // Updates request case 'updates': // Page ID $id = 7; break; // Default page when authorized (statistics) default: // Page ID $id = 1; } } // Page server-readable names $identifiers = array( 'login', 'statistics', 'configuration', 'hosts', 'storage', 'design', 'users', 'updates' ); // Page human-readable names $names = array( T_("Manager access"), T_("Statistics"), T_("Configuration"), T_("Hosts"), T_("Storage"), T_("Design"), T_("Users"), T_("Updates") ); // Any user for the meta? if($user && ($id != 0)) $user_meta = $user; // Define current page identifier & name $page_identifier = $identifiers[$id]; $page_name = $names[$id]; // Define the current page form action if($id == 0) $form_action = keepGet('(m|a|p|k)', false); else $form_action = keepGet('(m|p|k)', false); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <?php htmlTag($locale); ?> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="robots" content="none" /> <title><?php _e("Jappix manager"); ?> • <?php echo($page_name); ?></title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="./favicon.ico" /> <?php echoGetFiles($hash, '', 'css', 'manager.xml', ''); echo "\n"; ?> <!--[if lt IE 9]><?php echoGetFiles($hash, '', 'css', '', 'ie.css'); ?><![endif]--> </head> <body class="body-images"> <form id="manager" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="./?m=manager<?php echo $form_action; ?>"> <div id="manager-top"> <div class="logo manager-images"><?php _e("Manager"); ?></div> <div class="meta"> <span><?php echo(htmlspecialchars($user_meta)); ?></span> <?php if($id != 0) { // Keep get $keep_get = keepGet('(a|p|b|s|k)', false); ?> <a class="logout manager-images" href="./?a=logout<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Disconnect"); ?></a> <?php } ?> <a class="close manager-images" href="./<?php echo keepGet('(m|a|p|b|s|k)', true); ?>"><?php _e("Close"); ?></a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php if($id != 0) { ?> <div id="manager-tabs"> <a<?php currentTab('statistics', $page_identifier); ?> href="./?a=statistics<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Statistics"); ?></a> <a<?php currentTab('configuration', $page_identifier); ?> href="./?a=configuration<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Configuration"); ?></a> <a<?php currentTab('hosts', $page_identifier); ?> href="./?a=hosts<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Hosts"); ?></a> <a<?php currentTab('storage', $page_identifier); ?> href="./?a=storage<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Storage"); ?></a> <a<?php currentTab('design', $page_identifier); ?> href="./?a=design<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Design"); ?></a> <a<?php currentTab('users', $page_identifier); ?> href="./?a=users<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Users"); ?></a> <a<?php currentTab('updates', $page_identifier); ?> class="last" href="./?a=updates<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Updates"); ?></a> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="manager-content"> <?php if($id != 0) { if(!storageWritable()) { ?> <p class="info bottomspace fail"><?php _e("Your storage folders are not writable, please apply the good rights!"); ?></p> <?php } if(BOSHProxy() && extension_loaded('suhosin') && (ini_get('suhosin.get.max_value_length') < 1000000)) { ?> <p class="info bottomspace neutral"><?php printf(T_("%1s may cause problems to the proxy, please increase %2s value up to %3s!"), 'Suhosin', '<em>suhosin.get.max_value_length</em>', '1000000'); ?></p> <?php } if(newUpdates($check_updates)) { ?> <a class="info bottomspace neutral" href="./?a=updates<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("A new Jappix version is available! Check what is new and launch the update!"); ?></a> <?php } } // Authorized and statistics page requested if($id == 1) { ?> <h3 class="statistics manager-images"><?php _e("Statistics"); ?></h3> <p><?php _e("Basic statistics are processed by Jappix about some important things, you can find them below."); ?></p> <h4><?php _e("Access statistics"); ?></h4> <?php // Read the visits values $visits = getVisits(); ?> <ul class="stats"> <li class="total"><b><?php _e("Total"); ?></b><span><?php echo $visits['total']; ?></span></li> <li><b><?php _e("Daily"); ?></b><span><?php echo $visits['daily']; ?></span></li> <li><b><?php _e("Weekly"); ?></b><span><?php echo $visits['weekly']; ?></span></li> <li><b><?php _e("Monthly"); ?></b><span><?php echo $visits['monthly']; ?></span></li> <li><b><?php _e("Yearly"); ?></b><span><?php echo $visits['yearly']; ?></span></li> </ul> <object class="stats" type="image/svg+xml" data="./php/stats-svg.php?l=<?php echo $locale; ?>&g=access"></object> <?php // Get the share stats $share_stats = shareStats(); // Any share stats to display? if(count($share_stats)) { ?> <h4><?php _e("Share statistics"); ?></h4> <ol class="stats"> <?php // Display the users who have the largest share folder $share_users = largestShare($share_stats, 8); foreach($share_users as $current_user => $current_value) echo('<li><b><a href="xmpp:'.$current_user.'">'.$current_user.'</a></b><span>'.formatBytes($current_value).'</span></li>'); ?> </ol> <object class="stats" type="image/svg+xml" data="./php/stats-svg.php?l=<?php echo $locale; ?>&g=share"></object> <?php } ?> <h4><?php _e("Other statistics"); ?></h4> <ul class="stats"> <li class="total"><b><?php _e("Total"); ?></b><span><?php echo formatBytes(sizeDir(JAPPIX_BASE.'/store/')); ?></span></li> <?php // Append the human-readable array values $others_stats = otherStats(); foreach($others_stats as $others_name => $others_value) echo('<li><b>'.$others_name.'</b><span>'.formatBytes($others_value).'</span></li>'); ?> </ul> <object class="stats" type="image/svg+xml" data="./php/stats-svg.php?l=<?php echo $locale; ?>&g=others"></object> <?php } // Authorized and configuration page requested else if($id == 2) { ?> <h3 class="configuration manager-images"><?php _e("Configuration"); ?></h3> <p><?php _e("Change your Jappix node configuration with this tool."); ?></p> <p><?php _e("Note that if you don't specify a value which is compulsory, it will be automatically completed with the default one."); ?></p> <?php // Define the main configuration variables include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/vars-main.php'); // Read the main configuration POST if(isset($_POST['save'])) { include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/post-main.php'); // Show a success alert ?> <p class="info smallspace success"><?php _e("Changes saved!"); ?></p> <?php } // Include the main configuration form include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/form-main.php'); } // Authorized and hosts page requested else if($id == 3) { ?> <h3 class="hosts manager-images"><?php _e("Hosts"); ?></h3> <p><?php _e("Change the XMPP hosts that this Jappix node serve with this tool."); ?></p> <p><?php _e("Maybe you don't know what a BOSH server is? In fact, this is a relay between a Jappix client and a XMPP server, which is necessary because of technical limitations."); ?></p> <p><?php _e("Note that if you don't specify a value which is compulsory, it will be automatically completed with the default one."); ?></p> <?php // Define the hosts configuration variables include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/vars-hosts.php'); // Read the hosts configuration POST if(isset($_POST['save'])) { include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/post-hosts.php'); // Show a success alert ?> <p class="info smallspace success"><?php _e("Changes saved!"); ?></p> <?php } // Include the hosts configuration form include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/form-hosts.php'); } // Authorized and storage page requested else if($id == 4) { ?> <h3 class="storage manager-images"><?php _e("Storage"); ?></h3> <p><?php _e("All this Jappix node stored files can be managed with this tool: please select a sub-folder and start editing its content!"); ?></p> <?php // Include the store configuration vars include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/vars-store.php'); // Include the store configuration POST handler include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/post-store.php'); // Include the store configuration GET handler include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/get-store.php'); ?> <h4><?php _e("Maintenance"); ?></h4> <p><?php _e("Keep your Jappix node fresh and fast, clean the storage folders regularly!"); ?></p> <?php // Keep get $keep_get = keepGet('p', false); ?> <ul> <li class="total"><a href="./?p=everything<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Clean everything"); ?></a></li> <li><a href="./?p=cache<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Purge cache"); ?></a></li> <li><a href="./?p=logs<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Purge logs"); ?></a></li> <li><a href="./?p=send<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Purge sent files"); ?></a></li> <li><a href="./?p=updates<?php echo $keep_get; ?>"><?php _e("Purge updates"); ?></a></li> </ul> <h4><?php _e("Share"); ?></h4> <p><?php _e("Stay tuned in what your users store on your server and remove undesired content with this tool."); ?></p> <fieldset> <legend><?php _e("Browse"); ?></legend> <div class="browse"> <?php // List the share files browseFolder($share_folder, 'share'); ?> </div> </fieldset> <h4><?php _e("Music"); ?></h4> <p><?php _e("Upload your music (Ogg Vorbis, MP3 or WAV) to be able to listen to it in Jappix!"); ?></p> <p><?php printf(T_("The file you want to upload must be smaller than %s."), formatBytes(uploadMaxSize()).''); ?></p> <fieldset> <legend><?php _e("New"); ?></legend> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo(uploadMaxSize().''); ?>"> <label for="music_title"><?php _e("Title"); ?></label><input id="music_title" class="icon manager-images" type="text" name="music_title" value="<?php echo(htmlspecialchars($music_title)); ?>" /> <label for="music_artist"><?php _e("Artist"); ?></label><input id="music_artist" class="icon manager-images" type="text" name="music_artist" value="<?php echo(htmlspecialchars($music_artist)); ?>" /> <label for="music_album"><?php _e("Album"); ?></label><input id="music_album" class="icon manager-images" type="text" name="music_album" value="<?php echo(htmlspecialchars($music_album)); ?>" /> <label for="music_file"><?php _e("File"); ?></label><input id="music_file" type="file" name="music_file" accept="audio/*" /> <label for="music_upload"><?php _e("Upload"); ?></label><input id="music_upload" type="submit" name="upload" value="<?php _e("Upload"); ?>" /> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php _e("Browse"); ?></legend> <div class="browse"> <?php // List the music files browseFolder($music_folder, 'music'); ?> </div> </fieldset> <?php } // Authorized and design page requested else if($id == 5) { ?> <h3 class="design manager-images"><?php _e("Design"); ?></h3> <p><?php _e("Jappix is fully customisable: you can change its design right here."); ?></p> <?php // Include the design configuration vars include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/vars-design.php'); // Include the design configuration POST handler include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/post-design.php'); // Include the design configuration reader include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/read-design.php'); // Folder view? if(isset($_GET['b']) && isset($_GET['s']) && ($_GET['b'] == 'backgrounds')) $backgrounds_folder = urldecode($_GET['s']); ?> <h4><?php _e("Logo"); ?></h4> <p><?php _e("You can set your own service logo to replace the default one. Take care of the size and the main color of each logo!"); ?></p> <div class="sub"> <p><?php _e("Upload each logo with the recommended maximum pixel size."); ?></p> <p><?php _e("Your logo format must be PNG. Leave a field empty and the logo will not be changed."); ?></p> <label for="logo_own_1_location">Jappix Desktop, <em>311×113</em></label><?php logoFormField('1', 'desktop_home'); ?> <label for="logo_own_2_location">Jappix Desktop, <em>90×25</em></label><?php logoFormField('2', 'desktop_app'); ?> <label for="logo_own_3_location">Jappix Mobile, <em>83×30</em></label><?php logoFormField('3', 'mobile'); ?> <label for="logo_own_4_location">Jappix Mini, <em>81×22</em></label><?php logoFormField('4', 'mini'); ?> <label for="logo_own_upload"><?php _e("Upload"); ?></label><input id="logo_own_upload" type="submit" name="logo_upload" value="<?php _e("Upload"); ?>" /> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <h4><?php _e("Background"); ?></h4> <p><?php _e("Change your Jappix node background with this tool. You can either set a custom color or an uploaded image. Let your creativity flow!"); ?></p> <label class="master" for="background_default"><input id="background_default" type="radio" name="background_type" value="default"<?php echo($background_default); ?> /><?php _e("Use default background"); ?></label> <?php if($backgrounds_number) { ?> <label class="master" for="background_image"><input id="background_image" type="radio" name="background_type" value="image"<?php echo($background_image); ?> /><?php _e("Use your own image"); ?></label> <div class="sub"> <p><?php _e("Select a background to use and change the display options."); ?></p> <label for="background_image_file"><?php _e("Image"); ?></label><select id="background_image_file" name="background_image_file"> <?php // List the background files foreach($backgrounds as $backgrounds_current) { // Check this is the selected background if($backgrounds_current == $background['image_file']) $backgrounds_selected = ' selected=""'; else $backgrounds_selected = ''; // Encode the current background name $backgrounds_current = htmlspecialchars($backgrounds_current); echo('<option value="'.$backgrounds_current.'"'.$backgrounds_selected.'>'.$backgrounds_current.'</option>'); } ?> </select> <label for="background_image_repeat"><?php _e("Repeat"); ?></label><select id="background_image_repeat" name="background_image_repeat"> <option value="no-repeat"<?php echo($background_image_repeat_no); ?>><?php _e("No"); ?></option> <option value="repeat"<?php echo($background_image_repeat_all); ?>><?php _e("All"); ?></option> <option value="repeat-x"<?php echo($background_image_repeat_x); ?>><?php _e("Horizontal"); ?></option> <option value="repeat-y"<?php echo($background_image_repeat_y); ?>><?php _e("Vertical"); ?></option> </select> <label for="background_image_horizontal"><?php _e("Horizontal"); ?></label><select id="background_image_horizontal" name="background_image_horizontal"> <option value="center"<?php echo($background_image_horizontal_center); ?>><?php _e("Center"); ?></option> <option value="left"<?php echo($background_image_horizontal_left); ?>><?php _e("Left"); ?></option> <option value="right"<?php echo($background_image_horizontal_right); ?>><?php _e("Right"); ?></option> </select> <label for="background_image_vertical"><?php _e("Vertical"); ?></label><select id="background_image_vertical" name="background_image_vertical"> <option value="center"<?php echo($background_image_vertical_center); ?>><?php _e("Center"); ?></option> <option value="top"<?php echo($background_image_vertical_top); ?>><?php _e("Top"); ?></option> <option value="bottom"<?php echo($background_image_vertical_bottom); ?>><?php _e("Bottom"); ?></option> </select> <label for="background_image_adapt"><?php _e("Adapt"); ?></label><input id="background_image_adapt" type="checkbox" name="background_image_adapt"<?php echo($background_image_adapt); ?> /> <label for="background_image_color"><?php _e("Color"); ?></label><input id="background_image_color" class="icon manager-images" type="color" name="background_image_color" value="<?php echo(htmlspecialchars($background['image_color'])); ?>" /> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php } ?> <label class="master" for="background_color"><input id="background_color" type="radio" name="background_type" value="color"<?php echo($background_color); ?> /><?php _e("Use your own color"); ?></label> <div class="sub"> <p><?php _e("Type the hexadecimal color value you want to use as a background."); ?></p> <label for="background_color_color"><?php _e("Color"); ?></label><input id="background_color_color" class="icon manager-images" type="color" name="background_color_color" value="<?php echo(htmlspecialchars($background['color_color'])); ?>" /> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <h4><?php _e("Manage backgrounds"); ?></h4> <p><?php _e("You can add a new background to the list with this tool. Please send a valid image."); ?></p> <div class="sub"> <p><?php printf(T_("The file you want to upload must be smaller than %s."), formatBytes(uploadMaxSize()).''); ?></p> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo(uploadMaxSize().''); ?>"> <label for="background_image_location"><?php _e("File"); ?></label><input id="background_image_location" type="file" name="background_image_upload" accept="image/*" /> <label for="background_image_upload"><?php _e("Upload"); ?></label><input id="background_image_upload" type="submit" name="background_upload" value="<?php _e("Upload"); ?>" /> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <p><?php _e("If you want to remove some backgrounds, use the browser below."); ?></p> <fieldset> <legend><?php _e("List"); ?></legend> <div class="browse"> <?php // List the background files browseFolder($backgrounds_folder, 'backgrounds'); ?> </div> </fieldset> <h4><?php _e("Notice"); ?></h4> <p><?php _e("Define a homepage notice for all your users, such as a warn, an important message or an advert with this tool."); ?></p> <label class="master" for="notice_none"><input id="notice_none" type="radio" name="notice_type" value="none"<?php echo($notice_none); ?> /><?php _e("None"); ?></label> <label class="master" for="notice_simple"><input id="notice_simple" type="radio" name="notice_type" value="simple"<?php echo($notice_simple); ?> /><?php _e("Simple notice"); ?></label> <div class="sub"> <p><?php _e("This notice only needs simple text to be displayed, but no code is allowed!"); ?></p> </div> <label class="master" for="notice_advanced"><input id="notice_advanced" type="radio" name="notice_type" value="advanced"<?php echo($notice_advanced); ?> /><?php _e("Advanced notice"); ?></label> <div class="sub"> <p><?php _e("You can customize your notice with embedded HTML, CSS and JavaScript, but you need to code the style."); ?></p> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <textarea class="notice-text" name="notice_text" rows="8" cols="60"><?php echo(htmlspecialchars($notice_text)); ?></textarea> <?php } // Authorized and users page requested else if($id == 6) { ?> <h3 class="users manager-images"><?php _e("Users"); ?></h3> <p><?php _e("You can define more than one administrator for this Jappix node. You can also change a password with this tool."); ?></p> <?php // Add an user? if(isset($_POST['add'])) { // Include the users POST handler include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/post-users.php'); if($valid_user) { ?> <p class="info smallspace success"><?php _e("The user has been added!"); ?></p> <?php } else { ?> <p class="info smallspace fail"><?php _e("Oops, you missed something or the two passwords do not match!"); ?></p> <?php } } // Remove an user? else if(isset($_POST['remove'])) { // Initialize the match $users_removed = false; $users_remove = array(); // Try to get the users to remove foreach($_POST as $post_key => $post_value) { // Is it an admin user? if(preg_match('/^admin_(.+)$/i', $post_key)) { // Update the marker $users_removed = true; // Push the value to the global array array_push($users_remove, $post_value); } } // Somebody has been removed if($users_removed) { // Remove the users! manageUsers('remove', $users_remove); ?> <p class="info smallspace success"><?php _e("The chosen users have been removed."); ?></p> <?php } // Nobody has been removed else { ?> <p class="info smallspace fail"><?php _e("You must select one or more users to be removed!"); ?></p> <?php } } ?> <h4><?php _e("Add"); ?></h4> <p><?php _e("Add a new user with this tool, or change a password (type an existing username). Please submit a strong password!"); ?></p> <?php // Include the user add form include(JAPPIX_BASE.'/php/form-users.php'); ?> <h4><?php _e("Manage"); ?></h4> <p><?php _e("Remove users with this tool. Note that you cannot remove an user if he is the only one remaining."); ?></p> <fieldset> <legend><?php _e("List"); ?></legend> <div class="browse"> <?php // List the users browseUsers(); ?> </div> </fieldset> <?php } // Authorized and updates page requested else if($id == 7) { ?> <h3 class="updates manager-images"><?php _e("Updates"); ?></h3> <p><?php _e("Update your Jappix node with this tool, or check if a new one is available. Informations about the latest version are also displayed (in english)."); ?></p> <?php // Using developer mode (no need to update)? if(isDeveloper()) { ?> <h4><?php _e("Check for updates"); ?></h4> <p class="info smallspace neutral"><?php printf(T_("You are using a development version of Jappix. Update it through our repository by executing: %s."), '<em>svn up</em>'); ?></p> <?php } // New updates available? else if(newUpdates($check_updates)) { // Get the update informations $update_infos = updateInformations(); // We can launch the update! if(isset($_GET['p']) && ($_GET['p'] == 'update')) { ?> <h4><?php _e("Update in progress"); ?></h4> <?php if(processUpdate($update_infos['url'])) { ?> <p class="info smallspace success"><?php _e("Jappix has been updated: you are now running the latest version. Have fun!"); ?></p> <?php } else { ?> <p class="info smallspace fail"><?php _e("The update has failed! Please try again later."); ?></p> <?php } } // We just show a notice else { ?> <h4><?php _e("Available updates"); ?></h4> <a class="info smallspace fail" href="./?p=update<?php echo keepGet('(p|b|s)', false); ?>"><?php printf(T_("Your version is out to date. Update it now to %s by clicking here!"), '<em>'.$update_infos['id'].'</em>'); ?></a> <h4><?php _e("What's new?"); ?></h4> <div><?php echo $update_infos['description']; ?></div> <?php } // No new update } else { ?> <h4><?php _e("Check for updates"); ?></h4> <a class="info smallspace success" href="./?p=check<?php echo keepGet('(p|b|s)', false); ?>"><?php _e("Your version seems to be up to date, but you can check updates manually by clicking here."); ?></a> <?php } ?> <?php } // Not authorized, show the login form else { ?> <h3 class="login manager-images"><?php _e("Manager access"); ?></h3> <p><?php _e("This is a restricted area: only the authorized users can manage this Jappix node."); ?></p> <p><?php _e("Please use the form below to login to the administration panel."); ?></p> <p><?php _e("To improve security, sessions are limited in time and when your browser will be closed, you will be logged out."); ?></p> <fieldset> <legend><?php _e("Credentials"); ?></legend> <label for="admin_name"><?php _e("User"); ?></label><input id="admin_name" class="icon manager-images" type="text" name="admin_name" value="<?php echo(htmlspecialchars($user)); ?>" required="" /> <label for="admin_password"><?php _e("Password"); ?></label><input id="admin_password" class="icon manager-images" type="password" name="admin_password" required="" /> </fieldset> <?php // Disconnected if($logout_fired) { ?> <p class="info bigspace success"><?php _e("You have been logged out. Goodbye!"); ?></p> <?php } // Login error else if($login_fired) { ?> <p class="info bigspace fail"><?php _e("Oops, you could not be recognized as a valid administrator. Check your credentials!"); ?></p> <?php // Remove the session unset($_SESSION['jappix_user']); unset($_SESSION['jappix_password']); } } ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div id="manager-buttons"> <?php if($id == 0) { ?> <input type="submit" name="login" value="<?php _e("Here we go!"); ?>" /> <?php } else { ?> <?php } if($add_button) { ?> <input type="submit" name="add" value="<?php _e("Add"); ?>" /> <?php } if($save_button) { ?> <input type="submit" name="save" value="<?php _e("Save"); ?>" /> <?php } if($remove_button) { ?> <input type="submit" name="remove" value="<?php _e("Remove"); ?>" /> <?php } ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </form> </body> </html> <!-- Jappix Manager <?php echo $version; ?> - An open social platform -->