

CalendarServer example

This server features CalDAV support


// settings

// If you want to run the SabreDAV server in a custom location (using mod_rewrite for instance)
// You can override the baseUri here.
// $baseUri = '/';

/* Database */
$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:data/db.sqlite');

//Mapping PHP errors to exceptions
function exception_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline ) {
    throw new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline);

// Files we need
require_once 'lib/Sabre/autoload.php';

// Backends
$authBackend = new Sabre_DAV_Auth_Backend_PDO($pdo);
$calendarBackend = new Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_PDO($pdo);
$principalBackend = new Sabre_DAVACL_PrincipalBackend_PDO($pdo);

// Directory structure 
$tree = array(
    new Sabre_CalDAV_Principal_Collection($principalBackend),
    new Sabre_CalDAV_CalendarRootNode($principalBackend, $calendarBackend),

$server = new Sabre_DAV_Server($tree);

if (isset($baseUri))

/* Server Plugins */
$authPlugin = new Sabre_DAV_Auth_Plugin($authBackend,'SabreDAV');

$aclPlugin = new Sabre_DAVACL_Plugin();

$caldavPlugin = new Sabre_CalDAV_Plugin();

// Support for html frontend
$browser = new Sabre_DAV_Browser_Plugin();

// And off we go!