2020-09-26 13:27:57 +02:00

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Advanced Content Filter Help

The advanced Content Filter uses Symfony's Expression Language. This help page includes a summary of the Symfony's Expression Language documentation page.


The advanced content filter matches each post that is about to be displayed against each enabled rule you set.

A rule is a boolean expression that should return either true or false depending on post variables.

If the expression using a post variables returns true, the post will be collapsed and the matching rule name will be displayed above the collapsed content.

A post will be collapsed if at least one rule matches, but all matching rule names will be displayed above the collapsed content.


  1. Collapse posts with specific domains body matches "/\\.example\\.com/"
  2. Collapse posts that contains the words body matches "/Guten Morgen/"
  3. Collapse posts with the word facebook that have a space in front and after the word body matches "//s facebook/s /"
  4. Collapse posts that contains more than 1 image body matches "/(?:(?:(?:\\[url(?:=.*)?\\])?\\[img(?:=.*)?\\].*\\[\\/img\\]\\s*(?:\\[\\/url\\])?)\\s*){2}/"

Expression Syntax

Supported Literals

  • strings - single and double quotes (e.g. 'hello').
  • numbers - e.g. 103.
  • arrays - using JSON-like notation (e.g. [1, 2]).
  • hashes - using JSON-like notation (e.g. { foo: 'bar' }).
  • booleans - true and false.
  • null - null.

A backslash (\) must be escaped by 2 backslashes (\\) in a string and 4 backslashes (\\\\) in a regex::

"a\\b" matches "/^a\\\\b$/"

Control characters (e.g. \n) in expressions are replaced with whitespace. To avoid this, escape the sequence with a single backslash (e.g. \\n).

Supported Operators

The component comes with a lot of operators:

Arithmetic Operators

  • + (addition)
  • - (subtraction)
  • * (multiplication)
  • / (division)
  • % (modulus)
  • ** (pow)

Bitwise Operators

  • & (and)
  • | (or)
  • ^ (xor)

Comparison Operators

  • == (equal)
  • === (identical)
  • != (not equal)
  • !== (not identical)
  • < (less than)
  • > (greater than)
  • <= (less than or equal to)
  • >= (greater than or equal to)
  • matches (regex match)

To test if a string does not match a regex, use the logical not operator in combination with the matches operator:

not ("foo" matches "/bar/")

You must use parenthesis because the unary operator not has precedence over the binary operator matches.

Logical Operators

  • not or !
  • and or &&
  • or or ||

String Operators

  • ~ (concatenation)

For example: firstName ~ " " ~ lastName

Array Operators

  • in (contain)
  • not in (does not contain)

For example: in ["human_resources", "marketing"]

Numeric Operators

  • .. (range)

For example: user.age in 18..45

Ternary Operators

  • foo ? 'yes' : 'no'
  • foo ?: 'no' (equal to foo ? foo : 'no')
  • foo ? 'yes' (equal to foo ? 'yes' : '')

Supported variables

Here are a sample of the available variables you can use in your expressions. You can also retrieve the variables of a specific post by pasting its URL below the rule list.

Variable Type Sample Value
author_id number 6
author_link string
author_name string Hypolite Petovan
author_avatar string
owner_id number 6
owner_link string
owner_name string Hypolite Petovan
owner_avatar string
contact_id number 1
uid number 1
id number 791875
parent number 791875
uri string
thr_parent string
parent_uri string
content_warning string
commented date 2018-03-27 21:10:18
created date 2018-03-27 21:10:18
edited date 2018-03-27 21:10:18
received date 2018-03-27 21:10:18
verb string
object_type string
postopts string twitter&lang=pidgin;0.24032407407407:english;0.225:french;0.18055555555556
plink string
guid string 735a2029995abab33a5c006052376776
wall boolean 1
private boolean 0
starred boolean 0
title string
body string Over-compensation #[url=]Street[/url] #[url=]Night[/url] #[url=]CarLights[/url] #[url=]Jeep[/url] #[url=]NoPeople[/url] #[url=]Close[/url]-up [attachment type='link' url='' title='Over-compensation Street Night Car Lights Jeep No | EyeEm' image='']Photo by @[url=]MrPetovan[/url][/attachment]
file string
event_id number null
location string
coord string
app string EyeEm
attach string
rendered_hash string b70abdea8b362dc5dcf63e1b2836ad89
rendered_html string Over-compensation #<a href="" class="tag" title="Street">Street</a> #<a href="" class="tag" title="Night">Night</a> #<a href="" class="tag" title="CarLights">CarLights</a> #<a href="" class="tag" title="Jeep">Jeep</a> #<a href="" class="tag" title="NoPeople">NoPeople</a> #<a href="" class="tag" title="Close">Close</a>-up <div class="type-link"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" title="Over-compensation Street Night Car Lights Jeep No | EyeEm" class="attachment-image"></a><br><h4><a href="">Over-compensation Street Night Car Lights Jeep No | EyeEm</a></h4><blockquote>Photo by @<a href="" class="userinfo mention" title="MrPetovan">MrPetovan</a></blockquote><sup><a href=""></a></sup></div>
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allow_cid string
allow_gid string
deny_cid string
deny_gid string
item_id number 791875
item_network string dfrn
author_thumb string
owner_thumb string
network string
url string
name string Hypolite Petovan
writable boolean 0
self boolean 1
cid number 1
alias string
event_created date null
event_edited date null
event_start date null
event_finish date null
event_summary string null
event_desc string null
event_location string null
event_type string null
event_nofinish string null
event_adjust boolean null
event_ignore boolean null
pagedrop string true
tags list
  1. #<a href="" target="_blank">street</a>
  2. #<a href="" target="_blank">night</a>
  3. #<a href="" target="_blank">carlights</a>
  4. #<a href="" target="_blank">jeep</a>
  5. #<a href="" target="_blank">nopeople</a>
  6. #<a href="" target="_blank">close</a>
  7. @<a href="" target="_blank">mrpetovan</a>
  8. #<a href="" target="_blank">close-up</a>
hashtags list
  1. #<a href="" target="_blank">street</a>
  2. #<a href="" target="_blank">night</a>
  3. #<a href="" target="_blank">carlights</a>
  4. #<a href="" target="_blank">jeep</a>
  5. #<a href="" target="_blank">nopeople</a>
  6. #<a href="" target="_blank">close</a>
  7. #<a href="" target="_blank">close-up</a>
mentions string
  1. @<a href="" target="_blank">mrpetovan</a>