2021-06-13 20:33:50 +00:00

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Table mail

private messages

Field Description Type Null Key Default Extra
id sequential ID int unsigned YES PRI auto_increment
uid Owner User id mediumint unsigned YES 0
guid A unique identifier for this private message varchar(255) YES
from-name name of the sender varchar(255) YES
from-photo contact photo link of the sender varchar(255) YES
from-url profile linke of the sender varchar(255) YES
contact-id varchar(255) NO
author-id Link to the contact table with uid=0 of the author of the mail int unsigned NO
convid int unsigned NO
title varchar(255) YES
body mediumtext NO
seen if message visited it is 1 boolean YES 0
reply boolean YES 0
replied boolean YES 0
unknown if sender not in the contact table this is 1 boolean YES 0
uri varchar(255) YES
uri-id Item-uri id of the related mail int unsigned NO
parent-uri varchar(255) YES
parent-uri-id Item-uri id of the parent of the related mail int unsigned NO
thr-parent varchar(255) NO
thr-parent-id Id of the item-uri table that contains the thread parent uri int unsigned NO
created creation time of the private message datetime YES 0001-01-01 00:00:00

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