Hypolite Petovan e1ba53fec3 Rework API documentation
- Split API pages by target software
- Added API entities list
2019-12-09 22:50:38 -05:00

23 KiB

Friendica API entities


Attribute Type Nullable
like List of Contacts No
dislike List of Contacts No
attendyes List of Contacts No
attendno List of Contacts No
attendmaybe List of Contacts No


Attribute Type Nullable
url String (URL) No
mimetype String No
size Integer (bytes) No


Attribute Type Nullable
id Integer No
id_str String No
name String No
screen_name String No
location String No
description String No
profile_image_url String (URL) No
profile_image_url_https String (URL) No
profile_image_url_profile_size String (URL) No
profile_image_url_large String (URL) No
url String (URL) No
protected Boolean No
followers_count Integer No
friends_count Integer No
listed_count Integer No
favourites_count Integer No
statuses_count Integer No
created_at String (Date)
Ex: Wed May 23 06:01:13 +0000 2007
utc_offset Integer No
time_zone String No
geo_enabled Boolean No
verified Boolean No
lang String No
contributors_enabled Boolean No
is_translator Boolean No
is_translation_enabled Boolean No
following Boolean No
follow_request_sent Boolean No
statusnet_blocking Boolean No
notifications Boolean No
statusnet_profile_url String (URL) No
uid Integer No
cid Integer No
pid Integer No
self Integer No
network String No


Attribute Type Nullable
hashtags List of Hashtags No
symbols List of Symbols No
urls List of URLs No
user_mentions List of User mentions No
media List of Medias No




Attribute Type Nullable
text String (Plaintext) No
truncated Boolean No
created_at String (Date)
Ex: Wed May 23 06:01:13 +0000 2007
in_reply_to_status_id Integer No
in_reply_to_status_id_str String No
source String No
id Integer No
id_str String No
in_reply_to_user_id Integer No
in_reply_to_user_id_str String No
in_reply_to_screen_name String No
geo String Yes
favorited Boolean No
user Contact No
friendica_author Contact No


friendica_private Boolean No
statusnet_html String (HTML) No
statusnet_conversation_id Integer No
external_url String (URL) No
friendica_activities Activities No
friendica_title String (Plaintext) No
friendica_html String (HTML) No
attachments List of Attachments Yes
entities Entities Yes


Identical to the Twitter Media Object.

Attribute Type Nullable
id Integer No
id_str String No
indices List of Integer No
media_url String (URL) No
media_url_https String (URL) No
url String (URL) No
display_url String (URL) No
expanded_url String (URL) No
ext_alt_text String No
type String No
sizes Sizes No


Attribute Type Description
id Integer
hash String
type Integer
  • 1: Inbound follow request
  • 2: Outbound follow request confirmation
  • 4: Wall-to-wall post
  • 8: Reply
  • 16: Private message
  • 32: Friend suggestion
  • 64: Unused
  • 128: Mention
  • 256: Tag added to a post
  • 512: Poke
  • 1024: New post
  • 16384: System email
  • 32768: System event
name String Full name of the contact subject
url String (URL) Profile page URL of the contact subject
photo String (URL) Profile photo URL of the contact subject
date String (Date) YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss local server time
msg String (BBCode)
uid Integer Owner User Id
link String (URL) Notification URL
iid Integer Item Id
parent Integer Parent Item Id
seen Integer (Boolean) Whether the notification was read or not.
verb String (URL) [Activity Streams]( Verb URL
seen Integer (Boolean) Whether the notification was read or not.
otype Enum Subject type (`item`, `intro` or `mail`)
name_cache String (HTML) Full name of the contact subject
msg_cache String (Plaintext) Plaintext version of the notification text with a placeholder (`{0}`) for the subject contact's name.
timestamp Integer Unix timestamp
date_rel String Time since the note was posted, eg "1 hour ago"
msg_html String (HTML)
msg_plain String (Plaintext)


Attribute Type Description
id String Resource ID (32 hex chars)
created String (Date) Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
edited String (Date) Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
title String
desc String (Plaintext) Picture caption
album String Album name
filename String Original image filename
type String MIME Type
height Integer Image height in pixels
width Integer Image width in pixels
profile Integer 1 if it is a profile photo
allow_cid String (ACL) List of contact ids wrapped in angle brackets allowed to access the photo.
allow_gid String (ACL) List of contact group ids wrapped in angle brackets allowed to access the photo.
deny_cid String (ACL) List of contact ids wrapped in angle brackets forbidden to access the photo.
deny_gid String (ACL) List of contact group ids wrapped in angle brackets forbidden to access the photo.
link Array of Strings (URL) URLs to the different scales indexed by scale number if no specific scale was requested. Mutually exclusive with data datasize.
datasize Integer Picture size in bytes if a single scale was requested. Mutually exclusive with link.
data String Base64-encoded image data if a single scale was requested. Mutually exclusive with link.
friendica_activities Activities
friendica_comments List of Items
rights_mismatch Boolean True if the ACL differs between the picture and the associated item.

Photo List Item

Attribute Type Description
id String Resource ID (32 hex chars)
album String Album name
filename String Original image filename
type String MIME Type
created String (Date) Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
edited String (Date) Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
desc String (Plaintext) Picture caption
thumb String (URL) URL of the smallest scale version of the picture.

Private message

Attribute Type Description
id Integer
sender_id Integer Sender Contact Id
text String Can be HTML or plaintext depending on the API call parameter `getText`.
recipient_id Integer Recipient Contact Id
created_at String (Date) Ex: Wed May 23 06:01:13 +0000 2007
sender_screen_name String
recipient_screen_name String
sender Contact
recipient Contact
title String Empty if the API call parameter `getText` is empty or absent.
friendica_seen Integer (Boolean) Whether the private message has been read or not.
friendica_parent_uri String


Attribute Type Description
profile_id Integer
profile_name String
is_default Boolean
hide_friends Boolean Whether the user chose to hide their contact list on their profile.
profile_photo String (URL) Largest size profile picture URL.
profile_thumb String (URL) Smallest size profile picture URL.
publish Boolean Whether the user chose to publish their profile in the local directory.
net_publish Boolean Whether the user chose to publish their profile in the global directory.
description String
date_of_birth String
address String
city String
region String
postal_code String
country String
hometown String
gender String
marital String
marital_with String
marital_since String (Date)
sexual String
politic String
religion String
public_keywords String Comma-separated list of words meant to be displayed as hashtags.
private_keywords String Comma-separated list of words meant to be used for search only.
likes String (Plaintext)
dislikes String (Plaintext)
about String (Plaintext)
music String (Plaintext)
book String (Plaintext)
tv String (Plaintext)
film String (Plaintext)
interest String (Plaintext)
romance String (Plaintext)
work String (Plaintext)
education String (Plaintext)
social_networks String (Plaintext)
homepage String (URL)
users List of Contacts If populated, only these contacts have access to the profile.


Attribute Type Nullable
Attribute Type Nullable
w Integer No
h Integer No
resize Enum (fit, crop) Yes


Attribute Type Nullable
medium Size No
large Size Yes
thumb Size Yes
small Size Yes




Attribute Type Nullable
url String (URL) No
expanded_url String (URL) No
display_url String (URL) No
indices List of Integer No

User Mention
