Fix regression introduced since multithreading

+ Refactor messages handling
This commit is contained in:
giomfo 2015-01-16 16:39:58 +01:00
parent 410c49e0b4
commit 569bf47cf5

View file

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
NSDate *lastTypingDate;
NSTimer* typingTimer;
id typingNotifListener;
NSArray *typingUsers;
NSArray *currentTypingUsers;
// Back pagination
BOOL isBackPaginationInProgress;
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
[self.mxRoom removeListener:typingNotifListener];
typingNotifListener = nil;
typingUsers = nil;
currentTypingUsers = nil;
// Release local echo resources
pendingOutgoingEvents = nil;
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
[[MatrixHandler sharedHandler] removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"status"];
[[MatrixHandler sharedHandler] removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"isResumeDone"];
typingUsers = nil;
currentTypingUsers = nil;
if (typingNotifListener) {
[self.mxRoom removeListener:typingNotifListener];
@ -517,11 +517,9 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
// For outgoing message, we update here local echo data
if ([event.userId isEqualToString:mxHandler.userId] && messages.count) {
RoomMessage *message = nil;
NSUInteger index;
// Consider first the last message
@synchronized(self) {
message = [messages lastObject];
index = messages.count - 1;
if ([message containsEventId:event.eventId]) {
@ -531,43 +529,31 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
// Update message with the actual outgoing event
isHandled = [message addEvent:event withRoomState:roomStateCpy];
if (!message.components.count) {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
[self removeMessage:message];
} else {
// Create a new message to handle attachment
message = [[RoomMessage alloc] initWithEvent:event andRoomState:roomStateCpy];
if (!message) {
// Ignore unsupported/unexpected events
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
RoomMessage *aNewMessage = [[RoomMessage alloc] initWithEvent:event andRoomState:roomStateCpy];
if (aNewMessage) {
[self replaceMessage:message withMessage:aNewMessage];
} else {
@synchronized(self) {
[messages replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:message];
// Ignore unsupported/unexpected events
[self removeMessage:message];
isHandled = YES;
} else {
// Look for the event id in other messages
BOOL isFound = NO;
@synchronized(self) {
while (index--) {
message = [messages objectAtIndex:index];
if ([message containsEventId:event.eventId]) {
isFound = YES;
if (isFound) {
message = [self messageWithEventId:event.eventId];
if (message) {
// The handling of this outgoing message is complete. We remove here its local echo
if (message.messageType == RoomMessageTypeText) {
[message removeEvent:event.eventId];
if (!message.components.count) {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
[self removeMessage:message];
} else {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
[self removeMessage:message];
} else {
// Here the received event id has not been found in current messages list.
@ -577,29 +563,20 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
// In this second case, the pending event is replaced here (No additional action is required when PUT will return).
MXEvent *pendingEvent = [self pendingEventRelatedToEvent:event];
if (pendingEvent) {
RoomMessage *message = nil;
// Remove this event from the pending list
@synchronized(self) {
// Remove this event from the pending list
[pendingOutgoingEvents removeObject:pendingEvent];
// Remove the local event from messages
index = messages.count;
while (index--) {
message = [messages objectAtIndex:index];
if ([message containsEventId:pendingEvent.eventId]) {
message = nil;
// Remove this local event from messages
message = [self messageWithEventId:pendingEvent.eventId];
if (message) {
if (message.messageType == RoomMessageTypeText) {
[message removeEvent:pendingEvent.eventId];
if (!message.components.count) {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
[self removeMessage:message];
} else {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
[self removeMessage:message];
@ -639,7 +616,7 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.messagesTableView reloadData];
if (shouldScrollToBottom) {
[self scrollToBottomAnimated:YES];
[self scrollToBottomAnimated:YES];
@ -682,16 +659,29 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
typingNotifListener = [self.mxRoom listenToEventsOfTypes:@[kMXEventTypeStringTypingNotification] onEvent:^(MXEvent *event, MXEventDirection direction, MXRoomState *roomState) {
// Handle only live events
if (direction == MXEventDirectionForwards) {
// Refresh typing users list
typingUsers = self.mxRoom.typingUsers;
// Refresh tableView
[self.messagesTableView reloadData];
if (members) {
[self.membersTableView reloadData];
// Switch on the processing queue in order to serialize this operation with messages handling
dispatch_async(mxHandler.processingQueue, ^{
// Retrieve typing users list
NSMutableArray *typingUsers = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:self.mxRoom.typingUsers];
// Remove typing info for the current user
NSUInteger index = [typingUsers indexOfObject:mxHandler.userId];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
[typingUsers removeObjectAtIndex:index];
// Ignore this notification if both arrays are empty
if (currentTypingUsers.count || typingUsers.count) {
currentTypingUsers = typingUsers;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.messagesTableView reloadData];
if (members) {
[self.membersTableView reloadData];
typingUsers = self.mxRoom.typingUsers;
currentTypingUsers = self.mxRoom.typingUsers;
// Trigger a back pagination by reseting first backState to get room history from live
[self.mxRoom resetBackState];
@ -712,28 +702,151 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
- (void)removeMessageAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
@synchronized(self) {
[messages removeObjectAtIndex:index];
- (void)startActivityIndicator {
[_activityIndicator startAnimating];
- (void)stopActivityIndicator {
// Check whether all conditions are satisfied before stopping loading wheel
MatrixHandler *mxHandler = [MatrixHandler sharedHandler];
if (mxHandler.status == MatrixHandlerStatusServerSyncDone && mxHandler.isResumeDone && !isBackPaginationInProgress && !isJoinRequestInProgress) {
[_activityIndicator stopAnimating];
// Check whether the removed message was neither the first nor the last one
RoomMessage *previousMessage = nil;
RoomMessage *nextMessage = nil;
@synchronized(self) {
if (index && index < messages.count) {
previousMessage = [messages objectAtIndex:index - 1];
nextMessage = [messages objectAtIndex:index];
- (void)updateMessageTextViewFrame {
if (!isKeyboardDisplayed) {
// compute the visible area (tableview + text input)
// the tableview must use at least 50 pixels to let the user hides the keybaord
CGFloat maxTextHeight = (self.view.frame.size.height - self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame.size.height - [AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController.tabBar.frame.size.height - MIN([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame.size.height, [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame.size.width)) - 50;
_messageTextView.maxHeight = maxTextHeight;
[_messageTextView refreshHeight];
#pragma mark - KVO
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {
if ([@"hideUnsupportedMessages" isEqualToString:keyPath]) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self configureView];
} else if ([@"status" isEqualToString:keyPath]) {
if ([MatrixHandler sharedHandler].status == MatrixHandlerStatusServerSyncDone) {
[self stopActivityIndicator];
} else {
[self startActivityIndicator];
if (previousMessage && nextMessage) {
// Check whether both messages can merge
if ([previousMessage mergeWithRoomMessage:nextMessage]) {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
} else if ([@"isResumeDone" isEqualToString:keyPath]) {
if ([[MatrixHandler sharedHandler] isResumeDone]) {
[self stopActivityIndicator];
} else {
[self startActivityIndicator];
} else if ((object == inputAccessoryView.superview) && ([@"frame" isEqualToString:keyPath] || [@"center" isEqualToString:keyPath])) {
// if the keyboard is displayed, check if the keyboard is hiding with a slide animation
if (inputAccessoryView && inputAccessoryView.superview) {
UIEdgeInsets insets = self.messagesTableView.contentInset;
CGFloat screenHeight = 0;
CGSize screenSize = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;
UIViewController* rootViewController = self;
// get the root view controller to extract the application size
while (rootViewController.parentViewController && ![rootViewController isKindOfClass:[UISplitViewController class]]) {
rootViewController = rootViewController.parentViewController;
// IOS 6 ?
// IOS 7 always gives the screen size in portrait
// IOS 8 takes care about the orientation
if (rootViewController.view.frame.size.width > rootViewController.view.frame.size.height) {
screenHeight = MIN(screenSize.width, screenSize.height);
else {
screenHeight = MAX(screenSize.width, screenSize.height);
insets.bottom = screenHeight - inputAccessoryView.superview.frame.origin.y;
// Move the control view
// Don't forget the offset related to tabBar
CGFloat newConstant = insets.bottom - [AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController.tabBar.frame.size.height;
// draw over the bound
if ((_controlViewBottomConstraint.constant < 0) || (insets.bottom < self.controlView.frame.size.height)) {
newConstant = 0;
insets.bottom = self.controlView.frame.size.height;
else {
// IOS 8 / landscape issue
// when the top of the keyboard reaches the top of the tabbar, it triggers UIKeyboardWillShowNotification events in loop
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification object:nil];
// update the table the tableview height
self.messagesTableView.contentInset = insets;
_controlViewBottomConstraint.constant = newConstant;
#pragma mark - Message handling
// Return the message (if any) which contains the provided event id in its components
- (RoomMessage*)messageWithEventId:(NSString *)eventId {
RoomMessage *message = nil;
@synchronized(self) {
NSUInteger index = messages.count;
while (index--) {
message = [messages objectAtIndex:index];
if ([message containsEventId:eventId]) {
message = nil;
return message;
- (void)removeMessage:(RoomMessage*)message {
RoomMessage *previousMessage = nil;
RoomMessage *nextMessage = nil;
@synchronized(self) {
NSUInteger index = [messages indexOfObject:message];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
[messages removeObjectAtIndex:index];
// Retrieve adjoined messages if the message was neither the first nor the last one
if (index && index < messages.count) {
previousMessage = [messages objectAtIndex:index - 1];
nextMessage = [messages objectAtIndex:index];
if (previousMessage && nextMessage) {
// Check whether both messages can merge
if ([previousMessage mergeWithRoomMessage:nextMessage]) {
[self removeMessage:nextMessage];
- (void)replaceMessage:(RoomMessage*)message withMessage:(RoomMessage*)aNewMessage {
@synchronized(self) {
NSUInteger index = [messages indexOfObject:message];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
[messages replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:aNewMessage];
#pragma mark - Back pagination
- (void)triggerBackPagination {
// Check whether a back pagination is already in progress
if (isBackPaginationInProgress) {
@ -852,6 +965,7 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Reload table
[self.messagesTableView reloadData];
// Adjust vertical content offset
if (shouldScrollToBottom) {
[self scrollToBottomAnimated:NO];
@ -873,98 +987,6 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
- (void)startActivityIndicator {
[_activityIndicator startAnimating];
- (void)stopActivityIndicator {
// Check whether all conditions are satisfied before stopping loading wheel
MatrixHandler *mxHandler = [MatrixHandler sharedHandler];
if (mxHandler.status == MatrixHandlerStatusServerSyncDone && mxHandler.isResumeDone && !isBackPaginationInProgress && !isJoinRequestInProgress) {
[_activityIndicator stopAnimating];
- (void) updateMessageTextViewFrame {
if (!isKeyboardDisplayed) {
// compute the visible area (tableview + text input)
// the tableview must use at least 50 pixels to let the user hides the keybaord
CGFloat maxTextHeight = (self.view.frame.size.height - self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame.size.height - [AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController.tabBar.frame.size.height - MIN([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame.size.height, [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame.size.width)) - 50;
_messageTextView.maxHeight = maxTextHeight;
[_messageTextView refreshHeight];
#pragma mark - KVO
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {
if ([@"hideUnsupportedMessages" isEqualToString:keyPath]) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self configureView];
} else if ([@"status" isEqualToString:keyPath]) {
if ([MatrixHandler sharedHandler].status == MatrixHandlerStatusServerSyncDone) {
[self stopActivityIndicator];
} else {
[self startActivityIndicator];
} else if ([@"isResumeDone" isEqualToString:keyPath]) {
if ([[MatrixHandler sharedHandler] isResumeDone]) {
[self stopActivityIndicator];
} else {
[self startActivityIndicator];
} else if ((object == inputAccessoryView.superview) && ([@"frame" isEqualToString:keyPath] || [@"center" isEqualToString:keyPath])) {
// if the keyboard is displayed, check if the keyboard is hiding with a slide animation
if (inputAccessoryView && inputAccessoryView.superview) {
UIEdgeInsets insets = self.messagesTableView.contentInset;
CGFloat screenHeight = 0;
CGSize screenSize = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;
UIViewController* rootViewController = self;
// get the root view controller to extract the application size
while (rootViewController.parentViewController && ![rootViewController isKindOfClass:[UISplitViewController class]]) {
rootViewController = rootViewController.parentViewController;
// IOS 6 ?
// IOS 7 always gives the screen size in portrait
// IOS 8 takes care about the orientation
if (rootViewController.view.frame.size.width > rootViewController.view.frame.size.height) {
screenHeight = MIN(screenSize.width, screenSize.height);
else {
screenHeight = MAX(screenSize.width, screenSize.height);
insets.bottom = screenHeight - inputAccessoryView.superview.frame.origin.y;
// Move the control view
// Don't forget the offset related to tabBar
CGFloat newConstant = insets.bottom - [AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController.tabBar.frame.size.height;
// draw over the bound
if ((_controlViewBottomConstraint.constant < 0) || (insets.bottom < self.controlView.frame.size.height)) {
newConstant = 0;
insets.bottom = self.controlView.frame.size.height;
else {
// IOS 8 / landscape issue
// when the top of the keyboard reaches the top of the tabbar, it triggers UIKeyboardWillShowNotification events in loop
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification object:nil];
// update the table the tableview height
self.messagesTableView.contentInset = insets;
_controlViewBottomConstraint.constant = newConstant;
# pragma mark - Room members
- (void)updateRoomMembers {
@ -1249,7 +1271,7 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
- (void) sendVideo:(NSURL*)videoURL withThumbnail:(UIImage*)videoThumbnail {
- (void)sendVideo:(NSURL*)videoURL withThumbnail:(UIImage*)videoThumbnail {
if (videoThumbnail && videoURL) {
// Prepare video thumbnail description
@ -1574,7 +1596,7 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
if ([roomMember.userId isEqualToString:mxHandler.userId]) {
memberCell.typingBadge.hidden = YES; //hide typing badge for the current user
} else {
memberCell.typingBadge.hidden = ([typingUsers indexOfObject:roomMember.userId] == NSNotFound);
memberCell.typingBadge.hidden = ([currentTypingUsers indexOfObject:roomMember.userId] == NSNotFound);
return memberCell;
@ -1671,7 +1693,7 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
incomingMsgCell.userNameLabel.hidden = (shouldHideSenderInfo || message.startsWithSenderName);
incomingMsgCell.userNameLabel.text = message.senderName;
// Set typing badge visibility
incomingMsgCell.typingBadge.hidden = (cell.pictureView.hidden || ([typingUsers indexOfObject:message.senderId] == NSNotFound));
incomingMsgCell.typingBadge.hidden = (cell.pictureView.hidden || ([currentTypingUsers indexOfObject:message.senderId] == NSNotFound));
} else {
// Add unsent label for failed components
CGFloat yPosition = (message.messageType == RoomMessageTypeText) ? ROOM_MESSAGE_TEXTVIEW_MARGIN : -ROOM_MESSAGE_TEXTVIEW_MARGIN;
@ -2337,20 +2359,8 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
if (msgType) {
// Check whether a temporary event has already been added for local echo (this happens on attachments)
if (localEvent) {
RoomMessage *message = nil;
NSUInteger index;
@synchronized(self) {
// Look for this local event in messages
index = messages.count;
while (index--) {
message = [messages objectAtIndex:index];
if ([message containsEventId:localEvent.eventId]) {
message = nil;
// Look for this local event in messages
RoomMessage *message = [self messageWithEventId:localEvent.eventId];
if (message) {
// Update the local event with the actual msg content
localEvent.content = msgContent;
@ -2363,18 +2373,15 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
[message removeEvent:localEvent.eventId];
[message addEvent:localEvent withRoomState:self.mxRoom.state];
if (!message.components.count) {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
[self removeMessage:message];
} else {
// Create a new message
message = [[RoomMessage alloc] initWithEvent:localEvent andRoomState:self.mxRoom.state];
if (message) {
// Refresh table display
@synchronized(self) {
[messages replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:message];
RoomMessage *aNewMessage = [[RoomMessage alloc] initWithEvent:localEvent andRoomState:self.mxRoom.state];
if (aNewMessage) {
[self replaceMessage:message withMessage:aNewMessage];
} else {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
[self removeMessage:message];
@ -2389,95 +2396,87 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
// Send message to the room
[self.mxRoom sendMessageOfType:msgType content:msgContent success:^(NSString *eventId) {
// Check whether the event is still pending (It may be received from event stream)
NSUInteger index;
MXEvent *pendingEvent = nil;
@synchronized(self) {
for (index = 0; index < pendingOutgoingEvents.count; index++) {
pendingEvent = [pendingOutgoingEvents objectAtIndex:index];
if ([pendingEvent.eventId isEqualToString:localEvent.eventId]) {
// This event is not pending anymore
[pendingOutgoingEvents removeObjectAtIndex:index];
pendingEvent = nil;
if (pendingEvent) {
// Update local event display
RoomMessage *message = nil;
// Switch on processing queue
dispatch_async([MatrixHandler sharedHandler].processingQueue, ^{
// Check whether the event is still pending (It may be received from event stream)
NSUInteger index;
MXEvent *pendingEvent = nil;
@synchronized(self) {
// Find the related message
index = messages.count;
while (index--) {
message = [messages objectAtIndex:index];
if ([message containsEventId:localEvent.eventId]) {
for (index = 0; index < pendingOutgoingEvents.count; index++) {
pendingEvent = [pendingOutgoingEvents objectAtIndex:index];
if ([pendingEvent.eventId isEqualToString:localEvent.eventId]) {
// This event is not pending anymore
[pendingOutgoingEvents removeObjectAtIndex:index];
message = nil;
pendingEvent = nil;
if (message) {
if (message.messageType == RoomMessageTypeText) {
[message removeEvent:localEvent.eventId];
// Update the temporary event with the actual event id
localEvent.eventId = eventId;
[message addEvent:localEvent withRoomState:self.mxRoom.state];
if (!message.components.count) {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
} else {
// Create a new message
localEvent.eventId = eventId;
message = [[RoomMessage alloc] initWithEvent:localEvent andRoomState:self.mxRoom.state];
if (message) {
// Refresh table display
@synchronized(self) {
[messages replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:message];
if (pendingEvent) {
// Update local event display (Find the related message)
RoomMessage *message = [self messageWithEventId:localEvent.eventId];
if (message) {
if (message.messageType == RoomMessageTypeText) {
[message removeEvent:localEvent.eventId];
// Update the temporary event with the actual event id
localEvent.eventId = eventId;
[message addEvent:localEvent withRoomState:self.mxRoom.state];
if (!message.components.count) {
[self removeMessage:message];
} else {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
// Create a new message
localEvent.eventId = eventId;
RoomMessage *aNewMessage = [[RoomMessage alloc] initWithEvent:localEvent andRoomState:self.mxRoom.state];
if (aNewMessage) {
[self replaceMessage:message withMessage:aNewMessage];
} else {
[self removeMessage:message];
// We will scroll to bottom after updating tableView only if the most recent message is entirely visible.
CGFloat maxPositionY = self.messagesTableView.contentOffset.y + (self.messagesTableView.frame.size.height - self.messagesTableView.contentInset.bottom);
// Be a bit less retrictive, scroll even if the most recent message is partially hidden
maxPositionY += 30;
BOOL shouldScrollToBottom = (maxPositionY >= self.messagesTableView.contentSize.height);
// Refresh tableView
[self.messagesTableView reloadData];
if (shouldScrollToBottom) {
// We will scroll to bottom after updating tableView only if the most recent message is entirely visible.
CGFloat maxPositionY = self.messagesTableView.contentOffset.y + (self.messagesTableView.frame.size.height - self.messagesTableView.contentInset.bottom);
// Be a bit less retrictive, scroll even if the most recent message is partially hidden
maxPositionY += 30;
BOOL shouldScrollToBottom = (maxPositionY >= self.messagesTableView.contentSize.height);
// Refresh tableView on main thread
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self scrollToBottomAnimated:YES];
[self.messagesTableView reloadData];
if (shouldScrollToBottom) {
[self scrollToBottomAnimated:YES];
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Check whether the event is still pending (It may be received from event stream)
NSUInteger index;
MXEvent *pendingEvent = nil;
@synchronized (self) {
for (index = 0; index < pendingOutgoingEvents.count; index++) {
pendingEvent = [pendingOutgoingEvents objectAtIndex:index];
if ([pendingEvent.eventId isEqualToString:localEvent.eventId]) {
// This event is not pending anymore
[pendingOutgoingEvents removeObjectAtIndex:index];
// Switch on processing queue to serialize this operation with the message handling
dispatch_async([MatrixHandler sharedHandler].processingQueue, ^{
// Check whether the event is still pending (It may be received from event stream)
NSUInteger index;
MXEvent *pendingEvent = nil;
@synchronized (self) {
for (index = 0; index < pendingOutgoingEvents.count; index++) {
pendingEvent = [pendingOutgoingEvents objectAtIndex:index];
if ([pendingEvent.eventId isEqualToString:localEvent.eventId]) {
// This event is not pending anymore
[pendingOutgoingEvents removeObjectAtIndex:index];
pendingEvent = nil;
pendingEvent = nil;
if (pendingEvent) {
// Handle error
[self handleError:error forLocalEvent:localEvent];
if (pendingEvent) {
// Handle error
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self handleError:error forLocalEvent:localEvent];
@ -2615,49 +2614,35 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
[[AppDelegate theDelegate] showErrorAsAlert:error];
// Update the temporary event with this local event id
RoomMessage *message = nil;
NSUInteger index;
@synchronized(self) {
index = messages.count;
while (index--) {
message = [messages objectAtIndex:index];
if ([message containsEventId:localEvent.eventId]) {
message = nil;
if (message) {
NSLog(@"Posted event: %@", localEvent.description);
if (message.messageType == RoomMessageTypeText) {
[message removeEvent:localEvent.eventId];
// defines an unique identfier to be able to resend the message
localEvent.eventId = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%lld", kFailedEventIdPrefix, (long long)(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() * 1000)];
[message addEvent:localEvent withRoomState:self.mxRoom.state];
if (!message.components.count) {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
} else {
// Create a new message
localEvent.eventId = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%lld", kFailedEventIdPrefix, (long long)(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() * 1000)];
message = [[RoomMessage alloc] initWithEvent:localEvent andRoomState:self.mxRoom.state];
if (message) {
// Refresh table display
@synchronized(self) {
[messages replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:message];
dispatch_async([MatrixHandler sharedHandler].processingQueue, ^{
// Update the temporary event with this local event id
RoomMessage *message = [self messageWithEventId:localEvent.eventId];
if (message) {
NSLog(@"Posted event: %@", localEvent.description);
if (message.messageType == RoomMessageTypeText) {
[message removeEvent:localEvent.eventId];
// defines an unique identfier to be able to resend the message
localEvent.eventId = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%lld", kFailedEventIdPrefix, (long long)(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() * 1000)];
[message addEvent:localEvent withRoomState:self.mxRoom.state];
if (!message.components.count) {
[self removeMessage:message];
} else {
[self removeMessageAtIndex:index];
// Create a new message
localEvent.eventId = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%lld", kFailedEventIdPrefix, (long long)(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() * 1000)];
RoomMessage *aNewMessage = [[RoomMessage alloc] initWithEvent:localEvent andRoomState:self.mxRoom.state];
if (aNewMessage) {
[self replaceMessage:message withMessage:aNewMessage];
} else {
[self removeMessage:message];
// ensure the reload is done in the right thread
// after video compression for example
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.messagesTableView reloadData];
// Reload on the right thread
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.messagesTableView reloadData];