2017-07-22 15:15:39 +10:00

1.7 KiB

In raising this issue, I confirm the following: {please fill the checkboxes, e.g: [X]}

How familiar are you with the the source code relevant to this issue?:

{Replace this with a number from 1 to 10. 1 being not familiar, and 10 being very familiar}

Expected behaviour:

{A detailed description of what you expect to see}

Actual behaviour:

{A detailed description and/or screenshots of what you do see}

Steps to reproduce:

{Detailed steps of how we can reproduce this}

Debug token provided by uploading pihole -d log:

{Alphanumeric token}

Troubleshooting undertaken, and/or other relevant information:

{Steps of what you have done to fix this}

  • {Please delete this quoted section when opening your issue}
  • You must follow the template instructions. Failure to do so will result in your issue being closed.
  • Please respect that Pi-hole is developed by volunteers, who can only reply in their spare time.
  • Detail helps us understand and resolve an issue quicker, but please ensure it's relevant.
  • This template was created based on the work of udemy-dl.