Michael Woolweaver 5b404ccd9c
reorganize, borrowed some words
re organized. 

also a little more strict to help with https://github.com/pivpn/pivpn/issues/723

also borrowed a few lines (3, 4, & 5) from https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/blob/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md#L3
2019-04-23 15:55:15 -05:00

2.5 KiB

In raising this issue, I confirm the following:

{please fill the checkboxes, e.g: [X]}

  • [] I have read and understood the contributors guide.
  • [] The issue I am reporting can be replicated.
  • [] The issue I am reporting can be is directly related to the pivpn installer script.
  • [] The issue I am reporting isn't a duplicate (see FAQs, closed issues, and open issues).


Have you searched for similar issues and solutions?

(yes/no / which issues?)

Console output of curl -L install.pivpn.io | bash

  Output Here

Console output of pivpn add or pivpn add nopass

  Output Here

Console output of pivpn debug

  Output Here

Console Output of sudo iptables -t nat -S

  Output Here

Console Output of sudo iptables -S

  Output Here

Console Output of sudo netstat -uanp | grep openvpn

  Output Here

Have you taken any steps towards solving your issue?
